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Monday, April 20, 2009


There is a toy musuem in penang....... Locate at Tanjung Bungah. It has been name as so call the 'the largest toy museum in the world'. i went there a few month ago with a friend and her sister. Before i went inside the museum, i was so exited because what i read in the brocure, there were many toys inside and some were human size. The entrence fee for a adult is RM10.00 (for malaysian only, non malaysia other charges). Free parking in front of the museum and you can bring in camera or video cam. once we step inside the museum, we were surprise because all the toys were so small size. i can say the museum have the most toy in the world but not the largest. i think the museum in only half size of my ex-school hall. i think there i only maybe 1 or 2% toy is life size and the rest is very small size..... please have a look at the photo that i snap...


Tomb Rider (Life size)


I have uplaod a few photo only..... so ppl out there, now what you think about this toy museum?
For me i will never go second time again as i have already been once. If there is really got second time for me, that is maybe when i get marry and have some kids and my kids wanna go...
So this is my experiance in toy musuem... hope you enjoy reading......
20/04/2009 19.51

why i write blog......

hi all.... this is the first ever time i write in a blog....... so please forgive if there is any broken english or wrong spelling..... the motive i write this blog is because i want to share some of my experience with you all...

ling ling